Well, I have given this a lot of thought, and I have decided to move back to San Diego this summer. My contract ends in July, so I will be back in San Diego by early August. I will fly into Los Angeles, then I need to somehow get my car from San Jose, then go to San Diego and get ready for school, which starts in mid-August. I am hoping to go back to Palmer Way, but that depends on if there are any openings. Of course I will be homeless, so if anyone is willing to help me (and Sumi) out, I would appreciate it. It will be a big adjustment to go back to the US, but I think it the right decision for me. I have really enjoyed this experience. I have learned a lot about myself, this culture, and had the chance to travel to many other countries. In the process of learning Japanese, I have learned a lot about how to teach English. I think I will be a better teacher for this experience.
This is an emotional time for me, thinking about all the upcoming choices and changes. I hope that I can continue to travel, teach in other places, and have new life experiences. I am not ready to settle in any one place. San Diego is my next stop, but hopefully not my last.
This is an emotional time for me, thinking about all the upcoming choices and changes. I hope that I can continue to travel, teach in other places, and have new life experiences. I am not ready to settle in any one place. San Diego is my next stop, but hopefully not my last.
It is a difficult decision you're making. I hope to meet you back in the NC and...we'll keep our fingers crossed on living situations for you and Sumi...perhaps it's time to start that commune of teachers we'd talked about in our credential program?!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 18, 2007 10:30:00 AM
I am so glad you are coming home.
If your former school does not have an opening, maybe there will be openings in the Central California districts. I think your Mom would love having you closer. I always wish Ryan and Jennifer lived nearby. It's a mommy thing.
Aunty Marian
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 18, 2007 10:46:00 PM
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