Leilani's Japanese Adventure

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New job!

Sorry it's been a while! Some important things going on are that I finished up the job teaching 5th grade at Pearl Ridge, and now I am teaching 6th grade at Pearl Harbor Kai. It is located right outside of the fence enclosing Pearl Harbpr. It has been quite a change for me. They run the 6th grade like a middle school. So I have a homeroom class, then we rotate the classes through 3 periods. I teach science and social studies. Then in the afternoon, the kids have an elective class, and I teach debate. Each class has about 30 kids, so that is over 90 total. The first day was a bit overwhelming. But I am settling in, and I am feeling more comfortable.

Well, I don't have any pictures of the class, so I will post kitty pictures! You can see the difference between my old tv and new one. Old tv - smaller than Sakura. New tv - bigger than Sakura.


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