Leilani's Japanese Adventure

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Are you brave enough to come to Japan?

There are a few things in this world that scare me, and in Japan, let’s just say I found a few more. So this next page will be expanded upon in the coming year quite a bit.

First of all, the cicada. When I first arrived here in Japan, there was a strange buzzing sound that greeted me. I though it was crickets or something. As I walked past trees, the sound of this chirping would get almost deafening. When I finally saw one of these monstrous creatures, I knew I had found one of the scariest creatures in Japan, second only of course to Godzilla.

Many of you may not know that I have many bad dreams about filthy, disgusting toilets. Toilets have always been a source of fear for me for years. Don’t ask me why, but I think it is all E.T.’s fault. So when I arrived in Japan, I knew there was a good possibility that I would need to use a squat toilet or hole in the ground. For the first month, I was always able to find a “western” toilet. I was happy. Then I went to my first school. This is a picture of the only toilets in the school. Let’s just say, my nightmares have become reality. And by the way, the toilets haven’t been cleaned since I took this picture in September, so imagine how disgusted to go back this week.

There are the craziest spiders I’ve ever seen here. And they are quietly sitting in their webs outside of stores and such just waiting to scare me to death. Daddy long legs I can deal with, as long as they don’t try to touch me. But these are multi-colored, with thick legs, and huge bodies! They look like something out of a horror movie.

And you only thought they had scary clowns in America!
Whomever thinks clowns are funny are psychotic.

The picture isn’t very good, but it is of a video that was playing in the background during a Japanese karaoke song. The people are wearing large Ken and Barbie-like heads.
Maybe it was more scary that I was singing karaoke. Whatever.

Now what’s scarier: deer with antlers or deer with teeth?


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