Leilani's Japanese Adventure

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Kobe Luminarie Festival

Last weekend, Susanne and I headed up to Kobe for the Luminarie Festival. I’m pretty sure all of Japan was there as well. After winding around one part of the line (which extended from one side of the street to the other), that took about 30 minutes, we saw the sign that said the wait was 90 minutes. But we patiently waited and chatted. We saw a cute boy dressed as Pooh-san that made me giggle. Finally, we made it to the light, which were quite beautiful. We walked through a canopy of lights, then made it to the end where we encountered more lights, more people, and some booths that had various food and cookies for sale.
We then headed over to Osaka, spent the night, and went to the German Christmas Market at the Umeda Sky Building. They had some great sausages, potatoes, and candy. Most Japanese kids, and adults, have not seen a candy cane, so luckily I found one so I could show it to my students.
It was a nice weekend to help us get into the holiday spirit!


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