Leilani's Japanese Adventure

Friday, February 15, 2008

Cats love boxes!

I thought I was the lucky one when mom sends me care packages from home (thank you!), but it turns out I’m not the only one getting something. After I unload all my goodies, the kitties fight for sitting rights in the box. As it turns out, they only get a few minutes of peace before the other pounces on them and tries to kick them out. A few times, I’ve heard a loud thud, only to find a stunned Sonoko shuffle away after a ride in the box from the table to the floor.
Sumi is much bigger (and heavier) than Sonoko, so he defends the cardboard stronghold armed with huge claws and a fang. Since he is so big, he gets into some funny positions while squeezing himself into the box.
But usually, it is Sonoko doing all the swatting and biting. She is quite aggressive, and Sumi is gentler, at least most of the time. Sumi has been very accommodating, letting Sonoko finish his food for him, and letting her chase him all over the apartment. He has been very patient.
So it looks as though Sonoko is here to stay. They are making friends with each other and I think are happier to have someone to play with all day and night. Sonoko has taught Sumi to sleep on the bed next to me, and Sumi has taught Sonoko the fun of climbing the curtains. They both have their funny quirks, but don’t we all. Now, it looks like it will be the three of us heading to San Diego in summer!
And you all thought I’d come back with a boyfriend! Ha! Proved you all wrong! *sigh*


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