Well, after a good many years, I finally bought a new laptop. I was planning on getting a new one this summer anyways, but my purchase was pushed up a bit when I accidentally spilled a cup of tea all over my old laptop. In it's final death throes, it sizzled, popped, and went black. The so-called “genius” at the Apple store said he could not get any data from it, but luckily I had backed it up not too long ago. If I hold a flashlight to the screen, I can see, but now the mouse keeps getting stuck on the screen, and it is slowly dying.
So last Friday, Scott and I went to the Apple Store in Osaka, and I picked up a brand new laptop! After much debate, including phone calls to Dad and Theo, I chose a black MacBook. I think it’s perfect! It has lots of memory space, a shiny screen, a video camera, and my apartment is now completely wireless. I can finally burn CD’s and DVD’s too. My old laptop was great, but about 6 years old. It was time to move on, and I am so happy with my new choice. So for the past few days I have been catching up on Lost and The Office episodes because I can watch videos without it jerking through it. Oh, I need to try looking at the Daily Show online too.
I can even run more than one application at once now without the computer freaking out and quitting one of them!
Obviously since I bought it in Japan, there is a different keyboard layout. It is basically the same, but things like the @ sign and apostrophe are in different spots. Also the space bar is much shorter and is sandwiched between two keys that switch language, so my thumb is constantly switching to Japanese without my permission. But I like having all the Japanese characters on the keyboard. And looking up Japanese web sites and typing in Japanese is no problem now, except for the not being able to read and understand it part.
But a great thing is that I got a little bonus at the Apple Store. If you buy a computer, you can get an iPod for free (buy it first, then you get a check for your money back). It is for the 2GB, but I got a 4GB, so I will end up paying only about $40 for it! So I am all decked out with the latest Mac gadgets, and I love it!
fyi: loved seeing something new.
Anyways is not a word even though many people use it.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 26, 2007 6:16:00 AM
who left that comment?
Leilani, at Thursday, April 26, 2007 6:59:00 AM says it (anyways) is nonstandard. They give examples of its use by Charles Dickens, Melville, and Mark Twain.
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 05, 2007 1:42:00 AM
(The midnight grammarian strikes again!)
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 05, 2007 1:47:00 AM
Actually, according to Merriam-Webster, it is a word:
Oh, and congratulations on your new purchase! I envy you. I can't wait to get my own Mac someday. Gotta start saving my yennies!
mike, at Wednesday, May 09, 2007 5:36:00 PM
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