Leilani's Japanese Adventure

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I received some sad news today, Lady, my dad and Georgie’s dog, was put to sleep. She has been sick for probably about a month, so it was not a surprise, but we are all still quite sad. She had many infections that medicine wasn’t able to cure. The vet said that she had inflammation from an infection on her spine, which caused calcium deposits and the swelling put pressure on the nerves. She couldn’t walk anymore. She couldn’t eat or drink on her own, but dad and Georgie still took great care of her by feeding her hamburger by hand and squirting syringes of water into her mouth. Despite their efforts, Lady was still quite dehydrated. She would have been 17 in September.
As most of you know about me, I love dogs more than anything. She was my absolute favorite in the world. She had the best smile, a cute pink nose, and was always so happy.
In January of 1991, Dad and Georgie went to the Humane Society in Hawaii to choose a new puppy. The decision could’ve been difficult with so many cute puppies to choose from, but Lady made it easy by promptly staking her claim and sitting on dad’s foot.
She loved everyone, never even barked except once on Halloween and a few times while chasing rabbits in her sleep. She was so patient, always letting me dress her up and put various things on her head.
Lady was a part of the family. So much so, that our names were interchangeable according to Dad. Every time I was in Hawaii, she slept in bed with me. She’d turn in about 3-5 circles, then plop down in a little furry ball at the end of my futon.
I couldn’t imagine a better pet. We will miss her greatly.


  • Such a beautiful way to remember Lady. I am so sorry for your loss. Those eyes speak of her gentle spirit.
    Aunty Marian

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:21:00 PM  

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