In Japan, everything seems to have a season. Now we are in rainy season, azalea and hydrangea season, tealeaf season, and firefly season is just finishing up. One of my adult students, Sachiko, and her husband were kind enough to take me to see the last few fireflies of the season. They picked me up on Saturday night and we drove for about an hour to a small river called Makunigawa, which is located at the bottom of the Koyasan Mountain. The first few places we stopped had only a few fireflies, but the last place had so many that it looked like someone had strung Christmas lights across all the trees lining the river. There were also many frogs and crickets, and they sang quite loudly. It reminded me of the beginning of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. I can’t remember ever seeing real fireflies before, so I was very excited. They were very beautiful and none of them landed on me, so I was happy. As you can see, they were difficult to photograph. And these were the good shots! If you zoom in on the second black one, you can see some faint fuzzy lights, which should be fireflies, or maybe dust. Probably dust.
I also went to dinner with my friend Scott, at one of my favorite restaurants (they have pretty good Mexican-type food). The owner is really nice, and gave me a Japanese lesson. He put it up on the tv screen. Great way to use media in a bar!
So because I couldn’t get any good shots of the fireflies, I thought I would include more of Sumi! He is doing great. He stays at home by himself during the day now. I put him in my bedroom with plenty of food, water, toys, and kitty litter. I think he has had fun exploring the closet. I have left the window open because it has been so hot, so hopefully he isn’t chatting with the neighbors and giving himself away. Included in the pictures is a new sleeping spot balanced on top of a pillow, he and I watching my hula (he also enjoys So You Think You Can Dance), Sumi checking himself out in the mirror, Sumi with a tiny shower cap on (mimi cap actually), Sumi and giant onions, scary Sumi, relaxed Sumi, and Sumi with only his chin on the computer – because he knows he’s not allowed to touch it.
Good to see Sumi again. His eyes look a bit green now. I am glad you saw the fireflies. Larry and I saw them on the East Coast in Virginia.
California does not have them, neither does Hawaii, yet.
Aunty Marian
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 26, 2007 6:09:00 AM
"So You Think You Can Dance". Leilani, you're too funny! And by the way, I think we may have seen fireflies when we visited Uncle Hajime and Aunty Clare in Missouri when you were about 2 years old. :)
A hui hou!
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!mom
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 26, 2007 2:22:00 PM
Sumi is an adorable, adorable sweetie! He makes me miss my Misha...they look like they'd have been friends. Hey- MAYBE Sumi IS Misha reincarnated??!! I had a cat once, Chico, he was a reincarnated soul. (I hope that's not creepy sounding...I don't mean it to be...if I offend...please disregard.) :) Keep having fun being a kitty mama! Oh, and, by the way, your Japanese lesson at the bar - nice SD t-shirt...I saw some old favorites on the back: Qualcomm, UPS,...well, I know UPS is everywhere...I mean, I know how much brown has done for me....both in and out of SD. latina....makes ME miss home seeing it! :)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 10, 2007 5:09:00 PM
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