Sumi chan
I am trying to be cautiously optimistic about Sumi, but so far he/she seems to be doing well. I still feed him through a tube into his stomach, so he is eating every 2-3 hours. And pooping has not been a problem – at least for him! It’s a good thing he is so cute!! I apologize to those of you who are emailing me and not getting a response back. I have had my hands full. In my spare time I am looking up information on hand rearing kittens. I want to make sure that I am giving Sumi the best care I can. Even so, the chances of survival, after not being with his mom at such a young age, are not good. But I am savoring every moment with him. Oh yeah, I named him Sumi. In Japanese, Sumi is a black charcoal, famous in Wakayama. My middle name is Sumire, meaning violet, so I thought the name fit well. Good thing I’m not getting too attached huh!
There have been a few kids interested in taking Sumi, but nothing definite yet. Of course I have to admit, I’m not trying that hard either.
Sumi’s cut tongue seems to be healing up. He is very “genki” (full of energy) as the teachers at school say. He likes to speak up during the morning meeting. I have been very lucky that the staff is letting me bring Sumi to school everyday. I need to make sure he is warm and fed. The kids love peeking into his bag to see him. He has a strong set of lungs, which worry me a little since he’s not an allowable roommate in my apt. His eyes are still shut. He loves to climb! Especially up my shoulder and into my hair. I read that kittens don’t purr until they are about 3 weeks old, but when he is sitting on my shoulder, I swear I hear him purring while he nibbles on my hair.
He is difficult to photograph because he is so black. Hopefully when his eyes open up, there will be more detail in his face. I already have to use the “action” setting on my camera because he moves so much. He can’t even walk yet, so I think he’ll be a handful!
Thanks for sharing the updates. I'm so glad Sumi chan is doing well. Thanks for the update. Feeding him/her every 2-3 hours is a big commitment.
Auntie Tricia
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 19, 2007 4:52:00 AM
The best of luck with Sumi. I remember the phrase, "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
You will always have the memories to treasure.
Aunty Marian
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 19, 2007 5:09:00 AM
Sooo cute!
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 19, 2007 8:45:00 AM
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