neko chan!!
Well, I think I am finally falling in love in Japan! This morning I walked into the teacher’s room and heard a high pitch squealing sound. I went to my desk and could still hear it. It sounded like a cat. All the teachers were sitting at their desks working, so I wandered up to the front where the vice-principal was standing. He was looking into a cardboard box. I peeked into it to see a very small black ball of fur surrounded by bloody tissues. It was a very small kitten. I asked what happened and he said that a student found it on the way to school today and brought it in. He also said that it may have been attacked by a crow. So I asked what they were going to do with it. Apparently no one knew what to do, that’s why it was sitting in the box crying. So I called my neighbor who works at City Hall and he found a vet nearby. Since I did not have 1st period, I took the little kitty to the vet on my bike. Luckily the girl at the front desk spoke a little English. The vet looked the kitten over, poked and prodded it, and made it cry. But I guess it’s healthy. It still had its umbilical cord and its eyes haven’t opened yet, so the vet thinks it’s about a week old. They gave me formula along with a tube that I must put down its throat to give it milk. It has a cut tongue, and was bleeding, so that’s why it needs the tube. After about a week, they said to bring it back in.
So I took the little kitty back to school and he sat in my hand while I taught 2nd and 3rd period English. He was very good, and only showed off a couple times to the screams of “kawaii!!” (cute) from both the girls and boys. One boy, who was drawing the entire class period, came up to me after class and handed me his drawing. It was of me holding the tiny kitten in my hands.
So here I am, taking in another animal I’m not supposed to have. I know I shouldn’t keep it because I am not even equipped to take care of a plant, much less a needy kitten. But he is so cute, and is snuggled up asleep right next to my heart, which makes me melt. All I know is that right now, he needs me to take care of him. I will ask around to see if anyone is interested in adopting him. The vet also said I can put a picture up there in the office.
Today I need to get a few things from the store to keep him safe and warm while I’m teaching. He will come to school with me, but I will keep him in the teacher’s room. Although the kids were nowhere near as distracted as I was in class with him.
It’s almost feeding time, and somebody is squeaking, so I better go!
It is adorable! Aunty Marian
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:13:00 PM
Very cute. I'm sending what I know about tiny kittens by email. Auntie Tricia
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:00:00 AM
Kitten Mama! :) Such a sweet little ball of fur...and a lucky Leilani to care for the little baby!!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:46:00 AM
Leilani!!! It's Kathrina. I don't know where I put your e-mail address so hopefully you can contact me when you see this. I heard you are coming to visit in August. I wanna go somewhere for the summer...I was thinking of JAPAN...What do you think? Can you take care of me :)...Like the old student teaching days? Except...I'm deathly allergic to cats. Sorry...he is REALLY cute though. E-mail me
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 17, 2007 8:45:00 AM
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